
Cheer Docuseries

The Emmy award-winning Netflix series, created by Greg Whiteley, follows Navarro College and Trinity Valley Community College as they compete for the NCA Championship. We developed the logo and show graphics used in season 1 and 2. The logo and graphics are simple and elegant, skewed in such a way as to imply movement. The wordmark ascends from left to right as if it is lifting from the ground, while the credit names fall forward. This technique is repeated in the end credits, when the lines of text slowly shear upward during the crawl, until the angle of the logo is made. I worked with the team, led by Emily Oberman, to conceptualize the logo design and led the development of the motion graphics which included rotoscoping footage for graphic integration.

  • Role: Design, Motion & Rotoscoping

  • Client: One Potato Productions, Netflix
  • Agency: Pentagram NY
  • Emily Oberman, Partner
  • Lorenzo Fanton
  • Jase Hueser
  • Matt Varner
  • Katherine Killeffer
  • Zoe Chrissos